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The Output Table

Learn how use and edit the output table in Summit.

Updated over a week ago

What is the output table?

When a set of building blocks (logic) is interpreted, values are generated and displayed in the output table at the bottom of your screen. The output is the quantitative representation of the relationship defined between building blocks on your model. This output is a record of the internal state of each event immediately after it finishes executing. These measurements can be grouped by some time interval (most commonly a month) to see totals, averages, etc. over a given period.

Output table overview in Summit

How do I display the output table results over a different time interval?

The output table results are displayed on a monthly basis by default. To display the results over a daily, weekly, quarterly, or yearly time interval, click the dropdown next to the Results label and make a new selection. The output table column headings and results will immediately update once this option is changed.

You can also display results at more granular intervals including every 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or hourly, but the simulation length (i.e. Run simulation from <Date> until <Date>) must first be adjusted to a smaller range. The granular intervals will become available after making this change.

πŸ”” Notes:

  • The acceptable range for the granular results will depend on the complexity of your model. Simpler models (i.e. fewer events, limited references) can display granular results for longer simulation lengths, while more complex models can only show granular results at shorter simulation lengths.

  • The results for each output table row are displayed as an ending balance by default. To see a sum of an event's results over a given time interval (e.g. if the event occurs monthly and the output table results are quarterly), you will need to change the event's display from ending to sum. Continue reading in the next section for more details.

Summit Output Table Results: Change Time Interval

How do I choose which values appear as event results in the output table?

To customize which values are displayed as event results, first select an event, then click the Edit Metric button at the top of the output table. A modal will appear with radio selection options for Balance and Flow and a Value to use dropdown menu with the choices Ending, Sum, Min, Max, and Average. Selections from these dropdowns are interactive. The default display format for an event will depend on the SEL function. For example, the default for a Pool is Balance + Ending (i.e. the ending balance), while the default for a Source is Flow + Sum (i.e. the net change in value flowing through that event each period). See below for more information about the various options:

Balance + Ending: An event's final value after being executed over a given time interval. For example, if an event uses a Pool function (e.g. Bank Account) that receives $1,000 on a recurring monthly basis from a Source function (e.g. Deposit), the bank account's ending balance after one month will be $1,000. After two months, the bank account will display $2,000, then $3,000 after 3 months. The deposit event will display $1,000 each month. When viewed on a monthly time interval, the output results will appear as stated above. However, if viewed on a quarterly time interval, the results will reflect the value from the last month the event was executed during the quarter, which will display $1,000 for the deposits (since it executes monthly) and $3,000 for the bank account (it's final value during the quarter).

Balance + Sum: Displays the combined total of an event's executed values over a selected time interval. Continuing with the example above, by changing Balance to Sum for the deposits, $3,000 will display instead of $1,000 during a quarterly time interval. Since the Source function runs on a recurring monthly basis, the quarterly view will display three months' worth of deposits. A yearly time interval will display $12,000, etc. Albeit an uncommon scenario, the bank account's quarterly results would display the sum of each month's ending balance or $6,000 in this example ($1,000 + $2,000 + $3,000).

Balance + Min, Max, or Average: Displays an event's minimum, maximum, or average value after being executed over a given time interval. In the example above, the deposits will display $1,000 for each during a quarterly time interval since the deposit is the same each month the event is executed. However, since the bank account's value varies each month, its results would display as $1,000 for Min, $3,000 for Max, and $2,000 for Average.

Summit Output Table Results: Balance Display Formats

[Note: Since the displayed results for the deposit, or Source function, will not change by switching its format from Balance to Flow, we'll focus on the bank account, or Pool function, in the following sections].

Flow + Sum: The Flow format is used to display the net change in an event's balance over the selected time interval. For example, a Pool set to Flow + Sum will show the sum of all positive and negative values moving through the event during a given period. Building on the example above, let's say another monthly recurring event is added to the model to represent monthly expenses of $250. Using this display format, the bank account results will appear as $750 when displayed with a monthly time interval ($1,000 - $250) and $2,250 on a quarterly time interval, etc.

Flow + Min, Max, or Average: Similar to the format for Flow + Sum format, you can display the minimum, maximum, or average flow of value through an event over a given time period using these selections. On a monthly time interval, the bank account event in our example would display -$250 for Min, $1,000 for Max, and $375 for Average. These results will be unchanged when viewed with a quarterly time interval since the deposit and expense events execute monthly--the min, max, or average flow of funds during a given month does not change throughout the quarter.

Flow + Ending: This display format will show the final value executed by an event during a given time period. Let's assume the expense event (-$250) from the example above occurs on the last day of each month and the $1,000 deposit occurs on the first day of each month. Using this format, and across all time intervals, the output table results for our bank account event will display -$250 since the expense is the last event flowing through the bank account during any given month.

Summit Output Table Results: Flow Display Formats

πŸ“£ Tip:

Since formulas like =2+2 don't carry balances, results for these events will display as null values across a row in the output table (i.e. dashes, β€œ-β€œ) when the display format is set to Balance. If you notice this, change the format to Flow to view the formula's solution.

How do I change the number format for a row of results? How do I edit the display format of rows in the output table?

Values displayed in the output table for each event can be viewed as either: numeric (#), a percentage (%), or currency ($). To change the display format, simply highlight the event or row you wish to modify and select your preferred format by clicking the corresponding button at the top of the output table. The desired number of decimal places can also be adjusted this way.

Rows in the output table can also be formatted as Bold, Italicized, ➑ indented, or with a top-border. To adjust a row's display format, simply highlight an event or click a row to select it. The various display formatting options then appear at the top of the output table. Click the corresponding formatting option to toggle the format on or off.

Summit output table: Row display formatting options

How do I adjust the row order?

Events will start appearing in the output table in the order you create them. If you wish to adjust the order the rows appear in the output table, simply hover over the title of the event you wish to adjust (i.e. the row label), then click and hold the row to shift it to the desired location. A temporary horizontal line will appear to indicate where the row will be located. Once you're satisfied with the new order, release your mouse to set the new row order.

Reorder rows in output table in Summit

Can I hide specific event rows from the output table?

You can! Rows can also be hidden from the output table by selecting the event you wish to hide, then clicking the eye icon πŸ‘ in the top right corner of the output table.

The output table will display a new option to Show Hidden Rows that can be expanded to reveal hidden events. The event row display cannot be edited when hidden. The view of hidden rows can then be collapsed by clicking Hide Hidden Rows.

To make a hidden event reappear in the output table, select the event on your model (or hidden row) and click the eye icon πŸ‘ in the top right corner of the output table again.

How to hide or show selected rows in Summit output table

Why is the text grey in the last column of the output table?

When adjusting the output table time interval or when the "Until" date is not the last day of a month, you will notice the final column in the output table (Grid View) is faded and displays an icon with an exclamation point ( ! ) next to the date. This is meant to flag that the final column of data reflects a partial result.

Since the other columns in the table will display data for an entire month, quarter, year, etc. Summit uses a different format for the final column to indicate the results are incomplete and should be interpreted accordingly. By hovering your mouse over the ( ! ) icon, a tooltip will appear with clarifying text stating the specific cutoff date for the results displayed in the final column.

Partial result in Summit output table

Log View

The default display of the output table is the Table View (under the Analysis tab) where time is represented in the first data row and each additional row below corresponds to an event on the canvas (unless the event has been hidden). Results can be displayed across Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly time intervals.

Alternatively, you can view your output results in the Log View (formerly labeled the Ledger View) by clicking in the top-left corner of the output table. This view is essentially a ledger to offer a behind-the-scenes, transaction-by-transaction look into your event activity. The Log displays a unique ID and time-stamp for all activity associated with your events. Subsequent columns provide events' Recurring Patterns and Flow or Balance results--often helpful for understanding how changes to the results format will impact the Table View.

Summit Output Table Results: Log View

How do I export the output table results?

Export the results of your model by clicking the Download button at the bottom-left corner of the screen. The output table view will then be saved to your local machine in .CSV format. That simple!

πŸ’‘ Notes:

β€£ Currently, only output table results displayed in the Grid (or Metrics) view can be exported.

β€£ Make sure the name of your model does not contain any of the following characters: ? [ ] : * / \

How to download a CSV of your output table in Summit

Keep Reading: Metrics

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