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Models, Building Blocks, & the Editor
Models, Building Blocks, & the Editor

Learn more about the space where work gets done in Summit.

Updated over a week ago

How do I create a new model?

After signing up for a Summit account, you can decide whether to start creating your model from a blank canvas or begin by asking our AI assistant to create one for you (!).

To create an additional model, begin by clicking ← Back to all models in the top left corner of the screen. This will show you a list of models that you have access to view or edit. Click the button labeled + Start from scratch to start from a blank canvas. After making your selection, you will be taken to your new canvas where you can choose the title, select an icon and description, and begin populating with building blocks.

What is the canvas? What is the Editor View?

The Editor View in Summit displays a canvas--an infinite whiteboard to create, draw, develop, group, arrange, and visualize your logic. Logic represents a group of related building blocks on a board and establishes how data should flow through your model.

Summit Editor View: Board overview
  1. Canvas: The whiteboard where you place, arrange, and edit building blocks to represent your logic.

  2. Building Block: An individual segment of your logic. Shown here is an event, but building blocks can also include routes, shapes, or text boxes.

  3. Output grid: The output grid is the quantitative representation of the relationship defined between building blocks on your board. The output can be grouped by a selected interval (e.g., week, month, quarter, year) and used to display totals, averages, etc. over a specified time period.

  4. Return to dashboard: Click the Summit logo to exit the board in view and return to the dashboard.

  5. Model name: The title given to the model currently in view. You can change the name at any time.

  6. Event toolbar: Each button in the toolbar corresponds to an event prefilled with formulas that can be placed on your board.

  7. Add Event button: Add a blank event to the board.

  8. Text button: This button allows you to draw a text box on the board.

  9. Add shape button: Click this button to draw a rectangular shape around building blocks on your board to represent groups of operations.

  10. Toggle form view: With an event selected, click this button to toggle between the form view and the SEL expression view for the event.

  11. Delete: With a building block selected, click this button to delete the item.

  12. View controls: These buttons can be used to center your logic on the screen, and zoom in/out.

  13. Profile settings: Click your image in the top-right corner of the screen to access your account settings where you can manage team members, edit your profile, or manage your subscription.

  14. Help: Click this button to view a menu of available support options such as video tutorials, templates, and help articles. You can also send us a message or schedule a Summit lesson by selecting the corresponding option.

  15. Insights: See how well your app is performing with analytics on runs and leads captured.

  16. Model Settings: Access sharing and privacy settings for the displayed model.

  17. Set live: Set your model live so you can share, embed, or power your app remotely via API.

  18. Preview app: Display a preview of your published model as an app.

What are building blocks?

A building block is an individual item that can be placed on the canvas as a segment of your logic. Building blocks could either be visual, such as images or text boxes, or logical, like events or routes. Building blocks can be arranged on the board in any way you desire and there is no limit to the number you can place on a single board.

How do I add building blocks to a board?

There are a few different ways to add building blocks to the board and construct your logic. The first building block you will want to add is an event. Events can be added to your board by either (1) clicking the Add Event button on the left side of the screen, (2) double-clicking on any empty space on the board, or (3) selecting a pre-filled event from the Event toolbar (see above).

To establish a relationship between events, you can use routes. Routes appear as connected arrows between events on the logic board. To create a route, begin by hovering your cursor over an event--a (↓) sign will appear. Click and hold your mouse button to grab the route arrow and drag it to the desired destination event to establish a relationship between those events.

Continue to the next article to learn how you can edit and configure building blocks you've added to the board.

Add events and create routes in Summit

Keep reading: Events & Routes

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