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Learn how to create and edit charts to visualize your model results over time.

Updated over a week ago

How do I create a chart to display my results?

Easily and without headaches! From either the canvas view in the model Editor, and with the output table expanded, select the Analysis tab in the bottom-left corner of the panel, then click the tab labeled Charts in the top-left. The panel will then display the option to Add your first chart inside a square with a dashed outline. Click anywhere inside the square to begin building your chart.

A new panel will then appear on the right side of your screen displaying your chart-building options. Begin by selecting a title for your chart.

πŸ›Ž Note: "New Chart" will appear as the default text in the chart title field. If you don't replace this text, the title will automatically update based on the name of the first metric you select as a series for your chart.

After entering a chart title, select the data series you wish to display in your chart from the dropdown menu, which includes a list of all available metrics. After selecting your first data series, a new dropdown menu will appear allowing you to select additional series. New dropdowns will appear after each series is added. Adjust the series order by clicking and dragging the left side of each series name.

To create the chart with the default display options, click the Save Chart button and your chart will appear in the panel. Your chart will resize automatically as you expand or collapse the panel.

By default, your chart will display each data series as a line and will automatically determine whether the data should appear on the left Y-axis or split between the left and right Y-axes (learn about additional display options and how to edit your chart here).

To create additional charts, repeat the same steps above.

How to add a new chart formatted as a bar, line, and/or area graph (i.e. time-series):

How to add a chart to your project in Summit (Graph)

How to add a new chart that displays key metrics (i.e. static values):

How do I edit the appearance of my graph?

Charts can also be easily modified. To change your chart title, data series, colors, or any display options, first hover your mouse over the chart you wish to modify and click the Edit Chart button that appears in the top-right corner of the chart. The same right-side panel that appeared when creating the chart is shown. To change the chart title, simply modify the text at the top of the panel. To adjust the series order, click and drag the left side of a series name.

To edit a series color, display format (e.g. line or bar), axis (e.g. left or right or auto), or to display series data as absolute values (i.e. non-negative values only), click the gear icon (βš™οΈ) that appears when hovering over a given data series. From this view, you can adjust any of the parameters mentioned above, or you can delete the data series by clicking the trashcan icon (πŸ—‘) to the right of the series name.

To delete the entire chart, click the red trashcan icon (πŸ”΄πŸ—‘) in the bottom-left corner of the panel. To save your changes, click the green Save chart button.

How to edit a graph (bar, line, and/or chart) in Summit

To change the amount of time displayed on the X-axis or to group data quarterly or yearly, instead of monthly, simply adjust the corresponding fields at the bottom of the output table:

Edit Chart: Timeline and data grouping

How do I edit the label of a key metric (i.e. static value)?

Similar to bar and/or line charts, any big number chart can be changed by hovering your mouse over the chart you wish to modify and click the Edit Chart button that appears in the top-right corner of the chart. The same right-side panel that appeared when creating the chart is shown. To change the chart title, simply modify the text at the top of the panel. To adjust the order of the static values, click and drag the left side of a series name.

To edit a series color, label, aggregator method (sum, average, median, minimum, maximum, first, ending, or count), or to display series data as absolute values (i.e. non-negative values only), click the gear icon (βš™οΈ) that appears when hovering over a given data series. From this view, you can adjust any of the parameters mentioned above, or you can delete the data series by clicking the trashcan icon (πŸ—‘) to the right of the series name.

To delete the entire chart, click the red trashcan icon (πŸ”΄πŸ—‘) in the bottom-left corner of the panel. To save your changes, click the green Save chart button.

How to edit a metric (big number chart) in Summit

It's that easy! If you experience any issues with charts or have suggestions for

changes, contact us at [email protected].

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